




这不, 今天就收到一位网友Doris的紧急咨询电话:

"@丫爸 有个事情还想咨询你一下,我们的房子在今年2月的时候到期,因为我们想回去的,结果因为疫情没回去,当口头说的是租到今年7月份就不在继续租了,这个月我又在微信跟他们说了一下. 让他们找房子,7月份不再租了,现在房客说会找房搬离,但不会告诉具体时间,且需要一个月的补偿金,请问这个合法吗?"


The landlord must: 

● Pay you an amount equal to one month's rent by the termination date in this notice, or 

● Offer you another rental unit that is acceptable to you.


Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord, a Purchaser or a Family Member Requires the Rental Unit. (因为房东自住而终止租约的通知)

然后房东必须要写房客搬出去的终止的日期,(I am giving you this notice because I want to end your tenancy. I want you to move out of your rental unit by the following termination date:dd/mm/yyyy). 终止日期必须是至少两个月以上。目的是��留给房客足够的时间找房子。


“我的远房亲戚住可以不可以?” 网友Doris问道。


My Reason for Ending your Tenancy:

I have shaded the circle next to my reason for ending your tenancy. 

Reason 1: The following person intends to move into the rental unit and occupy it for at least one year:
* Me * My spouse * My child * My parent * My spouse's child * My spouse's parent
Or  A person who provides or will provide care services to:
* Me * My spouse * My child * My parent * My spouse's child * My spouse's parent

“哇,这样子的话,假如我不是自住的话,那不就太不公平了?那房子不就永远收不回来吗?假如卖房子的卖房子可以不可以让房客走?” 网友Doris问道


Reason 2: I have signed an Agreement of Purchase and Sale of the rental unit and the following person intends to move into the rental unit:

The purchaser The purchaser's spouse The purchaser's child The purchaser's parent The purchaser's spouse's child The purchaser's spouse's parent 





“幸好我的房子是收回来自住的暂时没这个问题。我马上去写N12, 请问一下还有什么注意事项吗?”



N12写好之后可以马上提交landlord tenant board (房东房客仲裁委员会), 在仲裁委员会上房客可能会提些理由,仲裁委员会确认房客必须搬走,会发一个order确认搬出的日期。






租房日记- 狸猫换太子




 This is a legal notice that could lead to you being evicted from your home.

The following information is from your landlord

I am giving you this notice because I want to end your tenancy. I want you to move out of your rental unit by the following termination date:dd/mm/yyyy

My Reason for Ending your Tenancy:

I have shaded the circle next to my reason for ending your tenancy. 

Reason 1: The following person intends to move into the rental unit and occupy it for at least one year:
Me My spouse My child My parent My spouse's child My spouse's parent
Or  A person who provides or will provide care services to:
Me My spouse My child My parent My spouse's child My spouse's parent

Reason 2: I have signed an Agreement of Purchase and Sale of the rental unit and the following person intends to move into the rental unit:

The purchaser The purchaser's spouse The purchaser's child The purchaser's parent The purchaser's spouse's child The purchaser's spouse's parent 

The termination date the landlord sets out in this notice must be at least 60 days after the landlord gives you this notice. Also, the termination date must be the last day of the rental period. For example, if you pay rent on the first of each month, the termination date must be the last day of a month. Finally, if the tenancy is for a fixed term the termination date cannot be earlier than the last day of the fixed term. For example, if you signed a one-year lease, the terminat

The landlord must: 

● Pay you an amount equal to one month's rent by the termination date in this notice, or 

● Offer you another rental unit that is acceptable to you.

You can terminate the tenancy sooner than the date set out in this notice as long as you give the landlord at least 10 days' notice that you intend to move out of the rental unit. You must use the Landlord and Tenant Board's Form N9 Tenant's Notice to End the Tenancy to give your written notice to the landlord.

The landlord can apply to the LTB to evict you immediately after giving you this notice. If the landlord applies to the LTB to evict you, the LTB will schedule a hearing and send you a copy of the application and the Notice of Hearing. The Notice of Hearing sets out the date, time and location of the hearing. At the hearing, the landlord will have to prove the claims they made in this Notice to End your Tenancy and in the application and you can respond to the claims your landlord makes. If the LTB issues an order ending your tenancy and evicting you, the order will not require you to move out any earlier than the termination date included in this notice.

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《两条腿走路: 工薪階層地產投資实例和指南》内容简介



你不一定有个富爸爸,但可以有个富老师。本书真实、实在、接地气, 如亲友一样将作者的房地产投资经验娓娓道来,深入浅出地解答了很多小白的疑问,特别适合于华裔技术宅。 -- 叶舟

很喜欢读丫丫爸爸的文章,他总能把一些很复杂深奥的道理、观点和思想,通过活生生的例子,讲得明明白白,真正的深入浅出. -- John

谢谢丫爸真实生动的记载着每一个故事, 就像读日记一样,随着笔者的心境一起成长。 受益匪浅!关于投资的部分很多是我自己这么些年慢慢琢磨出来,但没有上升为理论。 很感谢你的无私分享,若早读到你的这么贴地气的分享,就会少走很多弯路! -- Mary




“一口气读完整本书,第一感觉是内容实际,笔调温馨。再回味一下, 更深的感受是丫丫爸爸对孩子浓浓的爱---- 可能我们每个父母都觉得自己特别爱孩子, 但真正的爱是陪伴, 是倾听, 是不随己意催逼打骂, 是有从天父上帝而来的温柔、忍耐、和智慧。为丫丫一家感恩。也愿我们这些做父母的可以从丫丫爸爸的分享得到提醒和鼓励, 好好照管上帝所赐的产业,让儿女在爱和真理中健康成长。愿主不断赐给你们全家新的祝福! --大立牧师

星期日的早上,一口气读完了所有章节,受益匪浅!感触颇多: 没有人天生就会做父母, 我们都是第一次做父母。合上这本书, 丫丫怕洗头、丫丫讲故事、丫丫被欺凌、丫丫赚零花钱等等一些细节历历在目, 父母在丫丫成长过程中的参与、介入、帮助、支持、放手都是那么的恰当好处, 不多不少刚刚好, 这个分寸的拿捏、这个火候的控制真的值得我们学习借鉴。陪伴孩子成长过程中、仅仅用心爱他 / 她们是远远不够的, 过火了容易溺爱, 严厉了又忍不住打骂。像丫丫爸爸一样, 首先学习做父母, 反思介入孩子成长的分寸、尺度, 做恰到好处的父母! --- Carrie

作者: 丫丫爸爸,金融危机后最早去美国投资房地产的多伦多华人之一,从中获得成功投资经验, 善于发现地产洼地进行房产投资,在多伦多也有不少成功投资案例,现为安省持牌地产经纪。 电话: 647 716 5110 电子邮件: yayababa.home@gmail.com 个人网站: www.yayababa.com . 微信号: